
Behavioral Health

Mental Health Counseling located in Great Falls, MT
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Behavioral Health services offered in Great Falls, MT

Your eating habits, exercise routines, patterns of thinking, and substance use all fall under the rubric of behavioral health. The behavioral health services offered at Open Door Wellness Center in Great Falls, Montana, help you manage how these (and other) behaviors affect your physical and mental wellness. Call today to book an in-person appointment to learn more about the behavioral health services offered, or use this website to schedule online.

Behavioral Health Q&A

What is behavioral health care?

The medical care field of behavioral health explores the connection between behavior and general health and wellness. The behavioral health care offered by the professionals at Open Door Wellness Center includes mental health, stress reactions, relationships, substance abuse, and faith-based concerns. 

What problems do you address through behavioral health?

You might seek behavioral health services to help manage:

  • Anxiety disorders and depression
  • Substance abuse
  • Grief
  • Relationship problems
  • Trauma

Your provider customizes your behavioral health care plan according to your primary concerns. Behavioral health aims to help you manage your behaviors to better your physical and mental well-being.

How does behavioral health care work?

Behavioral health care is customized to you, so it begins with a thorough evaluation of your physical and mental wellness. 

Following your initial consultation, you work with one of the Open Door Wellness Center specialists to work through your particular problems. If you’re struggling with substance abuse, for example, behavioral health can help you kick your habit and restore relationships that suffered as a result of addiction. 

Behavioral health can help if you have problems with social isolation and disordered eating. Your provider coaches you through any mental health conditions, like anxiety and depression, and how to avoid the potential negative physical effects of these problems, including heart disease and cancer. 

You meet regularly with your provider and may undergo counseling, talk therapy, or eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR). The providers offer both one-on-one, couples, and family counseling. 

Who should pursue behavioral health services?

Seek out behavioral health services for any number of mental health, emotional, or spiritual concerns, including:

  • Substance abuse
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Relationship issues
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Severe mood swings 

Behavioral health guidance helps you overcome physical and situational problems associated with these concerns too, including unemployment, homelessness, and family divisions. 

Behavioral health can lead to significant improvements in your quality of life. And, if you know of a loved one who could benefit from the services offered at Open Door Wellness Center, recommend they seek a consultation.

If you’re ready to start your journey to wellness, call Open Door Wellness Center today or use this website to schedule your initial consultation online.

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